Global Lifting Group member meeting held in Sydney The Global Lifting Group held its second…
Global Lifting Group conference – Singapore – November 2018
In the last week of November, the third and final Global Lifting Group conference of 2018 took place at the Holiday Inn Atrium in Singapore.
By design, the conference coincided with the largest and most established oil & gas industry event in Asia, OSEA, which gave representatives from the 12 member companies who made the trip and several preferred suppliers, the opportunity to visit this spectacular exhibition at the Marina Bay Sands precinct.
Whilst the downturn in the region’s offshore sector has affected the exhibition and its turnout to a degree, there were still plenty of impressive sights to see for any lifting and rigging gear enthusiast.
The following day’s conference was a packed house with 18 representatives from The Rigging Shed, Mr. Lift It, Dynamic Rigging Hire, Lifting Gear Hire and Sales, Total Lifting and Rigging, On Call Lifting, All-Ways Rigging Gear, All-Rig Lifting and Engineering Supplies, Pt.All-Rig Lifting Indonesia, Hoisting Equipment Specialists – Victoria, Schillings Hoisting Equipment, Lifting Victoria, Webster BSC and Maxirig.
In a great start to the day’s proceeding, the group members were extremely pleased to welcome, for the first time to a Global Lifting Group Conference, Emilia Wu and Ken Lee from Yoke Industrial Corp who have recently agreed to an exciting distribution arrangement with GLG in Australia for Yoke’s world-class range of Grade 100 fittings and components.
A long, but extremely productive day heard overall positivity from the members on an industry and business activity front and saw presentations from other key suppliers and stakeholders including;
– Heiko Kurz from Thiele GmbH & Co.
– Rocky Galati from Townley Drop Forge alongside Maria Irizar from Irizar Forge, talking all things forged including Irizar Crane hooks and Codipro lifting points
– Ian Allan from Allan Marketing Group.
– Dr. Ross Moloney, CEO of LEEA (Lifting Equipment Engineer’s Association), who was able to shine a positive light on the future for his association and what that will mean for the Global Lifting Group’s LEEA members and the industry as a whole in Australia.
The conference was capped off with an enjoyable evening among friends, new and old, as well as friendly foes. A great meal was had at Xin Cuisine and, for those who were game, a nightcap (or 2).
The Global Lifting Group is proud of its member’s achievements in 2018 and look forward to bigger and better things in 2019 and beyond.
GLG would like to wish all of their members, suppliers, associates and especially customers a safe and happy Christmas and New Year and we look forward to doing it all again at the next meeting in Darwin in 2019.